
Q Technology offers consultancy and managed services for Amazon Web Services (AWS), Office 365 and Windows Azure products in cloud computing.


AWS - Amazon Web Services offers over 175 full-featured products in 3 main cloud computing areas, namely Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Software as a Service (SaaS). AWS has a wide range of options consisting of global cloud-based products, including transactions, storage, databases, analysis, network, mobile, software development tools, management tools, IoT, security and enterprise applications. Q Technology offers the following services on AWS platform.

Virtual Machine Service Amazon EC2

Infrastructure and requirements of the firm are analysed. Then a suitable cloud computing service package is created. After purchasing, this service package is planned, installed, developed, rolled out, stabilized and made available for use.

Analysis and Reporting Service

The firm's data are analysed and backup strategies are formed in line with the company requirements. In line with this strategy, related AWS services are configured and applied to the company’s infrastructure. The backup and restoring processes are continuously monitored, managed and reported even after the backup process is complete.

Backup and Storage Service Amazon S3

Using scalability, data accessibility and performance features on AWS, the firm's data are stored and backed up in line with international standards, continuously monitored, managed and reported based on the firm's inspected data server structure, built-in systems and user profiles.

AWS Database Consultancy

The firm's databases are analysed and backup strategies are formed according to the requirements. In line with this strategy, related AWS services are configured and applied to the company’s infrastructure. Database backup and restoring processes are continuously monitored, managed and reported.

AWS Disaster Recovery Scenario Consultancy

The systems and applications owned by the company are examined and Disaster Recovery scenarios that best suit the needs are created. In line with these scenarios, appropriate AWS services are configured and integrated with built-in systems and services. Afterwards, the environment set up is continuously monitored, managed and reported.

AWS App Development Consultancy

This service develops and supports apps the firm wants to use with software approaches able to fully work on cloud systems, such as Container as a Service, Function as a Service, Micro-Service, in line with the demands and requirements of the firm by authorized and certified employees in a way that is scalable, manageable and monitorable.

AWS Training Consultancy

Certified and accredited authorized AWS trainers provide training sessions on various fields to offer the required training for the personnel and prepare them for certification exams, in parallel with the in-house requirements.

Solution Architecture Consultancy

Accessible, cost-efficient, error-tolerant and scalable distributed systems are designed on Amazon Web Services by authorized and certified employees in line with the requests and requirements of the firm. AWS services are gathered together using the best practices and requested solutions are developed with these services.

AWS DevOps Consulting

It is a consulting service that brings together a set of flexible solutions designed to enable companies to build and deliver products faster and reliably using AWS and DevOps applications. This aims to increase the ability to develop products faster by using traditional software development and infrastructure management processes, as well as providing in-house applications and services at high speed.

AWS Application Modernization Consultancy

The company's projects or workloads running on AWS are reviewed, and support is provided to move workloads to more manageable and scalable structures and to benefit from AWS cost optimization best practices.


Microsoft Azure is a cloud computing platform covering analytics, virtualization, storage, network communication solutions, such as Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Software as a Service (SaaS). Q Technology offers the following services on Azure platform.

Azure Installation and Configuration Consultancy

Infrastructure and requirements of the firm are analysed. Then a suitable cloud computing service package is created. After purchasing, this service package is planned, installed, developed, rolled out, stabilized and made available for use.

Backup as a Service

The firm's data are analysed and backup strategies are formed according to with the company requirements. In line with this strategy, related Azure services are configured and applied to the company’s infrastructure. The backup and restoring processes are continuously monitored, managed and reported even after the backup process is complete.

SQL Backup as a Service

The firm's databases are analysed and backup strategies are formed according to the requirements. In line with this strategy, related Azure services are configured and applied to the company’s infrastructure. Database backup and restoring processes are continuously monitored, managed and reported.

VM Backup as a Service

The firm's apps and the virtual environments in which these apps work are analysed. The firm's backup and business continuity strategies are defined. Azure services are configured for the virtual machines selected in line with this strategy. VM backup and restoring processes are continuously monitored, managed and reported.

Disaster Recovery as a Service

The firm's systems and apps are inspected and Disaster Recovery scenarios which meet the requirements best are created. In line with these scenarios, related Azure services are configured, and built-in systems and services are integrated. Afterwards, the installed environment is continuously monitored, managed and reported.

File Server as a Service

It is the ideal service for firms prioritizing business continuity and data backup, especially with scenarios for multi-point use requiring access anytime from anywhere. Once the firm's data server structure is inspected, it is migrated to Azure in line with the built-in systems and user profiles, and continuously monitored and managed.

Web Hosting as a Service

With this ideal service available to all firms, web servers and websites are started to be hosted on Azure which has high SLA ratios and service quality. Websites are continuously monitored, reported, and necessary changes and corrections are performed. The whole process and the system is managed on behalf of the firm.

Virtual Data Center as a Service

This service package is ideal for firms without high accessibility and security features on their own data centers, and which do not prefer to make such investment. The firm's virtual data center is designed by using Azure services, built-in apps are carried onto the cloud, and the whole service is managed on behalf of the firm.

RemoteApp as a Service

This service package is ideal for firms with users geographically distributed over a large area, using many apps which are frequently changed/renewed. In scope of this service, the apps selected by the firm are packaged, migrated to Azure, distributed to end users and the process is managed on behalf of the firm.

Test Environment as a Service

This service package is ideal for firms that develop many projects in their infrastructure and do not prefer to make an investment on unnecessary hardware to test their apps. The test environment required for the app is created for the firm, made available for use and removed once the tests are complete. The whole process is managed on behalf of the firm.

Office 365

ffice 365 is a series of subscription service offered as part of the Office product family of Microsoft. Along with plans enabling the use of Microsoft Office software programs, it also includes cloud-based Software as a Service (SaaS) products, such as Exchange Server, Skype for Business Server and SharePoint. Q Technology offers the following services related to Office 365:

Standard Installation

The appropriate Office 365 service package is selected together with the firm. Preparations and adjustments necessary for the firm to utilize messaging and communication services over Office 365 are performed. This consultancy package is ideal for new installations.

Integrated Installation with Built-In AD

The appropriate Office 365 service package is selected together with the firm. Preparations and adjustments necessary for the firm to utilize messaging and communication services over Office 365 are performed. Management is facilitated through integration with native AD.

SSO Installation

The appropriate Office 365 service package is selected together with the firm and installed. Installation is performed with native AD service in a way that users can use the single-sign-on feature.

Hybrid Installation

The appropriate Office 365 service package is selected together with the firm and installed in a way that it can be used with the native Exchange service. Therefore, it is made possible for the firm to offer the same service to different user profiles both on the cloud and native.

Migration From The Current System

The appropriate Office 365 service package is selected together with the firm and current e-mail systems are inspected. Installations and configurations required for migrating mail boxes and the e-mail service to Office 365 service are performed and transition is enabled.

Office 365 - Managed Service

The appropriate Office 365 service package is selected together with the firm and Office 365 service is configured for the firm. After installation and configuration, all operations on Office 365 are executed by Q Technology and the firm's Office 365 service is managed on behalf of the firm.

Messaging System - Managed Service

The cloud or built-in messaging system of the firm is inspected and a matching service scope is defined. This service is taken over along with renewal, upgrades and the entire scope, and the messaging system is managed on behalf of the firm.


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