Short/Long-Term IT Outsourcing

Focusing on the development and added value of 'Human in IT', Q Technology meets the outsourcing requirements of firms with Short/Long-Term Outsource Expert Service.

Short/Long-Term IT Outsourcing

Focusing on the development and added value of "Human in IT", Q Technology meets the outsourcing requirements of firms with Short/Long-Term IT Outsourcing service. With this type of service, IT professionals from the vast talent pool of Q Technology are outsourced in the organizations as project-based or long-term sources after diligently evaluating the organization’s IT expert demand.

Thus, firms focus on their operations enabling them competitive advantages, and eliminate the technical, financial, administrative and legal risks of employing personnel specialized in fields which are not in scope of the company’s main field of operation.

While the company is provided with the qualified and the right project-based expert in technology, a backup source and continuity is ensured. In addition, a higher level of consultancy support on the issues beyond the expertise of the technical consultant is immediately and effectively provided by Q Technology.

Q Technology offers the advantages of being one of the leading technology companies of Turkey also in Outsource Expert Services. Q Technology has adopted the "Continuous Learning" to increase competency, know-how and experience of all the technical profiles. For this purpose, we deem it important that our consultants receive the latest training programs related to their specialization and have the required certifications.

One of the most important elements of the young talent pool of Q Technology and the factor that differentiates Q Technology from its competitors is the students who graduated from Q Technology Academy after receiving training for years. This source pool constantly expands with Q Technology Academy graduates.

Advantages of Project-Based IT Outsourcing

It is generally thought that outsourcing processes of firms are only associated with concerns on cost. However, limiting this only with cost advantages would represent a very narrow perspective. With outsourcing, the organization structure of companies becomes smaller and flexible, along with large departments. Thus, project-based IT outsourcing provides the following advantages:

  • Development of core talents
  • Increasing flexibility
  • Reducing risk
  • Source transfer and reallocation of sources
  • Reducing fixed capital expenditures
  • Knowing the costs in advance
  • Established service levels
  • Source continuity
  • Vast and flexible source pool
  • Reducing source costs and technology risks
  • Increasing quality
  • Accelerating
  • Downsizing
  • Technology
  • Appropriate use of information technologies
IT Outsourcing Processes

Each firm and its requirements are unique. For this reason, as the first step, Q Technology tries to know the customers to be provided with the Short/Long-Term IT Outsourcing service and the projects involved. Based on the requirements, a recruitment consultant or team specialized in the relevant technology visits the work environment. Information is obtained on requirements and targets, and we collaborate with our customers to find the most appropriate candidates.

1. Personnel Request

We ask our customers to complete a "Personnel Request From" in which the requested personnel profile is provided. Qualifications of the personnel, detailed job description of the position and the project, working hours, details on the technologies to be used and the compensation package to be provided for the suitable candidate are all included in this form.

2. Recruiting

Q Technology has a wide network which enables access to the majority of IT professionals in Turkey. When seeking the Outsource Consultant candidates, along with the consultants at Q Technology, the company considers Q Technology Academy graduates, online career websites, technical mail groups, IT foundations, associations and non-governmental organizations, social media, etc. At the end of researching, the candidates who are most suitable for the firm's requests are evaluated.

3. Candidate Evaluation

Among the CVs, candidates found suitable by the technical consultants are contacted for telephone interview. Upon elimination with telephone interviews, the candidates are evaluated with face-to-face interviews by the Search and Selection Consultants in Q Technology offices. If the candidates also pass the technical written exams on the relevant technologies, the positively evaluated candidates are invited for the last technical interview by Q Technology' technical experts specialized in their field.

4. Outsourcing

The short list of candidates verified to be suitable for the position is submitted to the customer, along with Q Technology' and the technical consultant's interview notes (name, contact and last workplace information are shared blind). Interviews with the candidates deemed suitable by the customer are organized by Q Technology. After these interviews, Q Technology also checks the reference, graduation and certificate information of the positively evaluated candidates. Job offer process is also carried out by Q Technology if the company does not have an HR department.

5. Source Retention

After the job offer is approved by our customer, the performance of our experts employed by the customer as Outsource Consultant is continuously measured and evaluated by our Outsourcing Retention and Management Team. Thus, our Outsource Consultants are continuously contacted by Q Technology, and their operations are reported monthly to the firms receiving the service. The actions required as per the Customer Workplace Protocol are taken through the Outsourcing Management Portal and retention of the source is ensured. In addition, all our experts can utilize all training and certification opportunities offered by Q Technology Academy in relation with their field.

6. Source Rotation (Replacement)

Q Technology suggests Source Rotation (Replacement) to avoid adversities such as operational blindness regarding the company or the project for the customers receiving long-term Outsourcing service for more than 1.5 years. This practice not only increases the efficiency but also Outsource Consultants who are replaced are assigned to our own projects or to other customers’ projects so that the consultants’ active know-how is retained.


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