
Web and Mobile Development, Data Management, DevOps - SDLC - CI/CD - Agile/Scrum, IT Infrastructure services required by your organization in its processes are provided typically for short-term or for a specific purpose, also as On-The-Job Training.

Web, Mobile Development

Firms require applications that are specific and tailor-made as the current apps in the industry do not fully match their structure and way of working or as there is not an app already appropriate for their operations. Q Technology analyses the company’s requirements with its expert software staff and offers consultancy services for developing optimum applications appropriate for these requirements, taking into account performance, security and quality criteria.

.NET / Java Projects

Q Technology offers consultancy services based on the customer preferences and requirements. Thus, Q Technology develops apps in any language necessary. However, as Java and C# are the most preferred ones in the market, Q Technology develops most of the apps in these languages.

Mobile App Development

Q Technology offers Native app development consultancy for iOS and Android. If required, the firm also develops Cross-platform solutions by using technologies such as Xamarin, React, Ioncic, etc.

Portal Solutions

Q Technology, one of the most important business partners of Microsoft for SharePoint in Turkey, offers consultancy services on many fields such as analysis, design, software development, workflow design, integration and version transitions on SharePoint.

App Support

The app support consultancy service of Q Technology enables the applications used in your organization produce the targeted business outcomes with the support provided in end user, business and software developer layers.

Data Management

Data management involves solutions enabling that data are retained in an appropriate configuration, managed with high performance and accessed instantly without any interruption. Thanks to a properly configured data management mechanism, the company can offer solutions which help decision makers for effective decisions.

Data Platform

In this field, solutions are developed for enabling the administrative functions of the organization’s database, designing the database, carrying out database performance works and meeting the security requirements of the database. In addition, applying the high accessibility and disaster recovery scenarios, two of the essential requirements for database systems, in an optimum way with the company resources, database audits, monitoring databases, detecting the issues causing errors and conducting regular maintenance are among the solutions that are offered.

Business Intelligence

Designing the data models needed by companies and the reporting systems required by decision makers for effective use are among the most important issues to work on.

Designing a data warehouse meeting the business requirements, designing the ETL processes and building a multi-dimensional data model enable that corporate reporting systems are empowered and a self-service IT infrastructure which allows the end users to create their own reports is built.

Data Science

As part of the work conducted in data science, IoT solutions, data mining/machine learning projects, analysing the fast streaming large amount of data and meeting the requirement of reporting such data in real time, NoSQL and Big Data projects are among the consultancy services we provide.

DevOps, CI/CD, SDLC, Agile/Scrum

Our Process Consultancy services minimize the workload of your firm's software development and operation teams through modern automation technologies, and increase efficiency.

Our dynamic team with field experience in cloud solutions has the titles Microsoft Azure Gold Partner and AWS Partner, along with Microsoft TFS and Atlassian product family expertise, and supports companies of every scale to realize the digital transformation required to compete in today's business world.

We start our process consultancy service by gaining insight regarding the vision, strategies and culture of the organization. Afterwards, we analyse the current status for the process consultancy planned and determine the requirements. In this respect, depending on the structure and size of the organization;

IT Infrastructure

Q Technology consultants apply the IT infrastructure solutions to maximize the quality and success of service in line with the following steps:


Determining the compliance of the current working model and the lifecycle with the corporate culture, strategies and targets, commonly used disciplines and technical literature


Determining the apps and tools being used, their levels of competency and efficiency,


Inspecting the compliance between projects, teams and processes, determining the need for training, if any

Problem Resolution

We conduct studies for detecting the difficulties and issues which are open to error and problematic, investigate the root causes and report them to relevant units.

Afterwards in the second phase, our expert teams offer suggestions to improve the process, share information and report on the following issues: The steps that should be taken for digital transformation and automation approaches such as DevOps, CI/CD, SDLC or Agile/Scrum, products and tools that are appropriate for use, which outcomes should be expected with which scenario, and change management.

In the third phase, we build the required system and integrate it to the processes using related cloud or local technologies. We automate the current load on this new environment.

IT Infrastructure Solutions

  • Scope and Vision

    • Project launch meeting is held.
    • The scope and the vision of the project is defined.
    • Project teams are formed.
    • The solution process which will enable all teams to focus on the same target is initiated.
    • The scope and the vision are documented along with the risks and the project plan.
  • Planning

    • Solution-related components are planned.
    • Hardware, software, standards and configuration information are clarified in this phase.
    • The solution planning is documented in line with the requirements obtained in the analysis.
  • Development

    • The solution described during the planning phase is started to be developed.
    • The solution in line with the standards and the requirements is realized.
    • Pilot roll out is performed as necessary.
  • Stabilizing

    • During the development phase, the problems in the pilot roll out are resolved and the solution is made stable.
  • Deployment

    • The solution is deployed. Deployment operations are carried out on the computer network infrastructure.


Contact us for detailed information about
our solutions, services and products.