Search and Selection

With the Search and Selection service offered by Q Technology, the IT expert requirements of firms to include in their staff are met.

With this type of service, personnel requests are evaluated in detail, IT experts the most suitable for the customer’s criteria are selected from the large talent pool of Q Technology, and recruited to work full-time for the requesting organizations.

Nowadays, the competencies and technologies in the IT industry change rapidly. This also affects the processes of accessing to qualified personnel, selecting the right candidates quickly and effectively and recruiting the most suitable candidate, posing a challenge for Human Resources departments of companies.

After HR interviews, Technical Placement Test and Technical Consultant interviews, Q Technology presents the successful candidates to the customer. Thus, it helps the organizations quickly find the suitable candidates for their Human Resources and other technical departments and employ them.

The students graduated from Q Technology Academy's qualified IT training programs also form one of the most important sources of the talent pool of Q Technology. This factor differentiates Q Technology from its competitors. Q Technology Academy is growing day by day with its Graduate Portal.

Advantages of Search and Selection

  • Fast and right service for any position at any level required for specific fields of technology
  • Access to the ideal candidate through solutions specific to the corporate culture
  • Processes executed with competency-based interviews by consultants specialized in their fields
  • Fast progress in processes thanks to the large CV database
  • Analysis of requirement and recruitment of the candidate most suitable for the corporate structure and position
  • Reducing the risks in the processes of preparing the short list, personnel selection and recruitment

Search and Selection Processes

As each company and its requirements are different, Q Technology starts the process by knowing the customers which will receive the Search and Selection service. Upon the firm's request, a search and selection consultant or team specialized in the related technology visits the customer and learns about the aims and expectations. After the needs analysis, they work with the customer to find the right personnel.

1. Personnel Request

We ask our customers to complete a "Personnel Request From" in which the requested personnel profile is provided. Qualifications of the personnel, detailed job description of the position and the project, working hours, details on the technologies to be used and the compensation package to be provided for the suitable candidate are all included in this form.

2. Recruiting

Q Technology has a wide network which enables access to the majority of IT professionals in Turkey. When seeking the Outsource Consultant candidates, along with the consultants at Q Technology, the company considers Q Technology Academy graduates, online career websites, technical mail groups, IT foundations, associations and non-governmental organizations, social media, etc. At the end of researching, the candidates who are most suitable for the firm's requests are evaluated.

3. Candidate Evaluation

Among the CVs, candidates found suitable by the technical consultants are contacted for telephone interview. Upon elimination with telephone interviews, the candidates are evaluated with face-to-face interviews by the Search and Selection Consultants in Q Technology offices. If the candidates also pass the technical written exams on the relevant technologies, the positively evaluated candidates are invited for the last technical interview by Q Technology' technical experts specialized in their field.

4. Offering the Short List

The short list of candidates verified to be suitable for the position is submitted to the customer, along with Q Technology' and the technical consultant's interview notes (name, contact and last workplace information are shared blind). Interviews with the candidates deemed suitable by the customer are organized by Q Technology. After these interviews, Q Technology also checks the reference, graduation and certificate information of the positively evaluated candidates.


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